Category: General News

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Happy New Year 8)

First of all, I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year! May 2002 bring many demo’s and few harddisk-crashes 8)

Second, I’ve reserved a new domain name . Usually this name gets occupied real fast, so I decided to reserve it just in case. It’s a free domain, by the way :)

Finally! No more exams 8)

Well, exams are over, which is a very good thing :D The past 10 days I updated various part of BABS, but most of the time was spent learning exams and preparing a christmas package :)

So what’ll be coming up? Well, first of all, BABS is well on its way and I hope to release a workable version pretty soon. Second, I’ve submitted for the Verge Olympics begin January, to sharpen up my programming skills and deliver some more kick-ass work. Once all that is done I’m going to remake and finish properly what I have started nearly a year ago.

The Map of Tasur 8)

Been a while 8)

Well, first of all, there will be a new Shining Game, called Shining Soul. It will be released on the Gameboy advance and it looks more like Shining Wisdom than the old school Shining Forces…

Learn more at

Besides that, I’ve been tracking a bit the past time, just for fun. Here’s something I made:

I’ve got it in .it format as well, so if anyone wants to use it for a Shining Game, they’re free to do so :)

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