Ye Olde Blah

General Blah => General Blah => Topic started by: Mage of Blackest Night on October 23, 2004, 12:23:31 am

Title: Oh Forum, we hardly new Ye
Post by: Mage of Blackest Night on October 23, 2004, 12:23:31 am
The forum is so dead!  I remeber a time when there were so many posts that the flood control had valid use.  I remember a 500 post thread completely in l33t.  I remember people actually talking.  I remember Ye Olde Chat.
Why is our community so dead?  This was one of my few sources of entertainment each day!
I will mourn for YoB, but I will also continue to post on her corpse!
Resusitate our forgotten boards!

Title: Re: Oh Forum, we hardly new Ye
Post by: Ok So It Was Me on October 23, 2004, 01:30:25 am
Quote from: "Mage of Blackest Night"

I will mourn for YoB, but I will also continue to post on her corpse!

The next thing to necrophilia
What is this world cumm... ehm, comming too

Title: Oh Forum, we hardly new Ye
Post by: Newts on October 23, 2004, 10:57:24 am
The only thing worse than a dead forum is people continually posting "this forum is dead!! Why aren't they any posts on it?!". Make some useful topics and people will join in. I will hereby demonstrate what I mean.