Ye Olde Blah

General Blah => General Blah => Topic started by: Newts on October 01, 2005, 05:03:45 pm

Title: A message
Post by: Newts on October 01, 2005, 05:03:45 pm

Hi everyone :newtshappy: This is a very brief message because I'm only on for about half an hour - my apologies. I'm actually using Hannah's account at the University I don't go to, so I probably shouldn't be here too long anyway.

Stuff's going well here. I've been here for two weeks now and I'm having a great time. I finished my primary observation yesterday, which was quite sad actually as I really liked all the kids. I wasn't expecting to, but they all turned out to be complete sweethearts. Which was nice.

I don't have any pictures or funny stories to tell at the moment, but here are some small tasters:

Salt dough Sonic;
My awesome Sonic wallscroll;
My great weekend with Phil;
Other stuff I've forgotten to mention.

Phil took some photos last week but I can't find them (maybe they're not up yet). Next time I get online I will try very hard to post some interesting photos for you all.

Wireless Internet might be coming my way because the landlord/housing company people have a policy to pay part of the costs if the equipment stays after we move out. I may, one day, be back online at home. Until then, I'll probably be on sporadically (although from Monday I can hopefully use the computers at the Uni I actually attend :newtstongue: ).

I hope you're all well and taking care of yourselves.


Title: A message
Post by: Devlyn on October 01, 2005, 05:56:04 pm
Hey dude, nice to see you around! :D

I guess I'm a tad too late though.. :s

Title: A message
Post by: Seanikins on October 01, 2005, 06:49:21 pm
indeed :( i suck at timing!!

*proceeds to wail on his crotch*

Title: A message
Post by: Newts on October 02, 2005, 02:16:57 pm
Worry not my friends, for I have returned. I should really have written this in advance, but I couldn't really be bothered. This time, I come bearing photos!

Bliss (

Even more bliss (

Not such bliss, but still mostly bliss (

Yet more bliss (

Just a sofa. (

As you can see, I have my priorities sorted out. My Saturn games are all alphabetised (on that front, My Saturn has been playing up recently :newtscry: ), I have SNK sprites on my other pinboard (not shown here) and my Kyo Kusanagi figure stands proudly in our living room.

That's just about it from this edition of Newts News. As you may have guessed, not much has happened since yesterday, and I actually have stuff to do here (booo). I will return soon.

EDIT - Sorry they're so huge. They were supposed to be email attachment, and I don't have the resources to resize them now, so I'll linkify them instead. Enjoy.

Title: A message
Post by: Devlyn on October 03, 2005, 09:44:46 am
Dude, your house looks very much deserted! Where are the animate objects, such as people and stuff? ;)

Title: A message
Post by: Newts on October 07, 2005, 09:00:07 am
The people are vampires. They don't appear in photos.

Title: A message
Post by: Elvenfyre on October 09, 2005, 09:17:42 am
wow, you're a pretty open minded guy to live with nudist vampires. . .

Title: A message
Post by: qprman on October 09, 2005, 11:03:43 pm
he never mentioned the word nudist  :P