Ye Olde Blah

Project Specific Discussion => General Project Discussion => Topic started by: Daniel on October 27, 2005, 01:49:10 pm

Title: Shining Stalkers demo. RPG maker not needed
Post by: Daniel on October 27, 2005, 01:49:10 pm
At the top of the screenshot page is the demo link (In rar format)
Be warned, it's about 10MB is size but does not need RPG maker to play.

Furthermore, I'm creating a template map in RM2k3 so that people can make Shining Force games with it.  I'm nearly done.  I will release it if enough people think I should and If enough people test SS (currently 20 yeas and no nays :D)

Arrow keys
Enter/Space=accept key/talk/search/attack with sword(when equipped)

Shift=Battle stance
(+)= Jump
(-)= Blaze Dash
7= Use Eke Eke
1= Hud selection
9= Save anywhere (Ann only and Demo only)
3= Throw Boomerange (Early implementation, some bugs in screen transition)
0=Menu screen
(.)=Use current weapons special ability
5= Change to MP3 mode (Removed to save size for the demo)

(+)=Blaze 1
(.)=Charge Blaze 1 into Blaze 4 (Only supported on the worldmap 1 right now)
(-)= Bolt 3 (Full screen)

Note, there is no end point at the moment. I'm currently remaking the worldmap so it doesn't exist. The game is going to be based more off of Landstalker/Zelda in that regard. Also, some map chips don't function as the should, since I lost the map I made myself, so I threw a few place holders in. Also, I'm adding other sections and events that disallow Annalise to jump over entire sections and walls.

Anyway, enjoy!