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Shining Force GameMaker Engine now on GitHub!   (Read 36960 times)
New Post July 26, 2021, 01:37:15 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Shining Force GameMaker Engine now on GitHub!
Hey guys, it's been a while.

For those of you who don't know me, years ago I started working on a Shining Force fan game using GameMaker. I spent the last year doing a total re-work of my engine, making things a bit more flexible, easier to work with, and adding a bunch of "Wish List" features. That said, I just finished porting the engine to the latest version of GameMaker (GMS2.3) and the project is now available via GitHub and my Google drive.

The engine itself is "Feature Complete" meaning you should have everything you need to create a complete SF game. Also included is the first 30 minutes of my game which should contain an example of everything so it can be reverse-engineered.

One final note. Just because I'm making the engine available, doesn't mean I'm totally done with it. I will still continue to update and improve it over time as well as make some tutorial videos for you guys (eventually). I just wanted to make it available since it's at a point where you can make a complete game with it.


Zipped GMS2 Project File:

GitHub Link:

GameMaker Studio 2 (It's free!):

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