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The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)   (Read 213798 times)
New Post May 21, 2017, 05:26:54 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Here's a rough sketch of what their home continent of Verdius looks like. I figured I'd share this since you really don't get to see it at all due to the story taking place on Athalen. The player starts this game in Moorenfirch, and that cave in the back of battle 1 actually leads to Merillian City. So that being said, the main reason I never made the cave explorable is because it would likely lead people to want to explore the rest of the continent XD. Nonetheless, I WILL be adding the cave map once I figure out how I want to implement torches and tunnel vision.


* Verdius.png (93.97 KB, 767x727 - viewed 3518 times.)

New Post May 23, 2017, 02:17:10 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Alright. I got a prototype for tunnel vision working. As per normal SF, you now get a black screen with a small hole for you to see through when in a cave. I added an option to better smooth the circle, allow for a dynamic radius (no longer limited to 1 size), and it can also allow for multiple light sources (torches on walls eventually).
Oh right. And you can set the alpha of the entire screen too, so you can create easy night settings.

It needs a lot of work yet, but for the most part, it's functional.

New Post May 23, 2017, 04:57:21 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Okay, this turned out to be way more fun and useful than I originally thought it would be. I didn't bother making this blend correctly as this was just done to test out the new lighting system but... you get the idea.

New Post May 24, 2017, 03:31:48 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Updated Historian (Damian) Minas (your advisor) and Karina's portraits. They still seem a bit off compared to those seen in SF, but that's to be expected as I'm no professional. Basically I found some free assets online, downresed them to fit in the portrait window, and traced over them.

If you have any pointers, let me know!

New Post May 24, 2017, 09:15:04 am
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
I love how the torches light up the area too! They're a fairly small change but I think they could improve dark battles significantly.

New Post May 24, 2017, 03:28:03 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
One thing I should add too is that the main light (typically following the cursor / active character) can also be removed, making it so that torches are the only light source in an area. Most of the new lighting features are done for 2 reasons.

The first is that I'd like to have the ability for you to cast blaze outside of battle to light caves and such allowing you to better explore them.

The other thing is that I have a few night / campfire scenes planned, so I'll be making use of a ton of the features then.

Anyways, down to the easy but time consuming part now. Map design and cutscene touchups. (Assuming I don't randomly decide to add something else)

New Post May 24, 2017, 07:35:38 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 1

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
When do you project that the final, completed version of this game will be available?  Also how many hours of gameplay are anticipated in the final version?

New Post May 25, 2017, 02:13:33 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
It's hard to say when the final version of the game will be completed as work and such has a tendency to get in the way. That and GameMaker likes throwing unforeseeable obstacles at me XD. I'm pretty garbage at predicting ETA's, but if I could work on this project full time, with 100% motivation, I'd say it's highly likely that I could finish the game within 3 months. (Depends how long it takes to get a better item use system working) This estimate also doesn't take into consideration the 1 final code overhaul to get everything nice and shiny for future games, but it's not really required for this one.

As far as how many hours of gameplay will it be, that too is a good question and hard for me to answer. As the game's creator, I know every little quirk and AI trigger which allows me to play through the game much faster than most. Any SF fan would also be able to play through the game much faster than those unfamiliar with the genre. (Or slower if they start searching every tile for secrets)

The plan was to have the game be somewhere around 20 battles so I'd estimate 10-20 hours for a first playthrough. Now that being said, I'll also be adding difficulty options and achievements to the game as well, so those too will increase playtime at least for completionists.

New Post May 26, 2017, 09:42:25 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Alright I tweaked the dialogue in a few cutscenes to make it flow a bit better. I also completely re-did the town meeting cutscene. It should now be a bit more interesting and less of a boring exposition dump. The next step is to create the cave and below ship maps and add a few more searchables.

New Post June 09, 2017, 07:00:46 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Work was quite busy over memorial day weekend but I'm back at it.

For those of you who have been bugging me since the initial alpha release to let you enter the cave, well... you finally do get your cave. On one hand, I feel like the cave map is a little too big, but eh, realistically, the Eastern Pass would be of a similar size, and the layout is too nice to shrink down.

The next step is to finish ripping all the tiles for the tileset and texture up the map. Then I finally get to fill it with goodies which leads me to my next dilemma. What goodies do I put in the cave...

See, the cave has been such a long awaited addition to the game that it has to have something useful in there for either now, or later in the game. Now, although a medical herb or two would be useful for the early game, the chest in town (that currently gives 30 gold) was originally planned to contain one. (Didn't add it originally because item use wasn't working at the time). So, that being said, I spent some time figuring out what I wanted to do with this situation and, I got a pretty fun solution. I hope you guys like solving puzzles!

New Post June 10, 2017, 03:40:18 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Here's a little teaser image for the cave map.

New Post June 10, 2017, 04:35:37 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58


New Post June 12, 2017, 10:58:22 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
This game looks better every time I see it!

New Post June 13, 2017, 04:25:59 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
This game looks better every time I see it!

Hey man, it still shocks me how far this project has come. Hell, go check out "Update 3" on my youtube channel. Crazy stuff lol.

Anyways, I slightly changed how searching works in order to allow for "un-detectable" objects and bringing up the menu (for reasons you'll see in the demo (if/when you figure it out)). Now interactable objects have a "instant interact" variable which bypasses the need for the search menu. By default, interactions are instant.

Torches appear alive and flicker their brightness.
Followers slightly illuminate the area.
The changelog for 1.4 is now the longest as far as updates and new features go.

And I'm halfway through the last secret cutscene. It's my favorite so far and I cant wait to share it with you.
Hoping to get this update out soon!

New Post June 14, 2017, 03:52:28 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
It, is finally done.

I have finally completed the new demo. Although I didn't continue the story any in this update, much of the early game has been tweaked and fleshed out. The most notable changes being the addition of the cave and below ship maps, some secret cutscenes, weapons displaying in battle, being able to loot chests in battle, and the church/advisor menus (Finally got a way to save the game!).

Overall, the early game has a lot more exploration and some fun new cutscenes if you try searching for the renewal gem.

And here's the new demo.
As always, if you encounter any errors, let me know how you managed to break my game. Send me a screenshot of any errors and if possible, hit F5 and send me the savestate that GM creates. (Not to be confused with the ones that the church menu creates).



Fixed issue with Medical Herbs restoring 0 HP and crashing on slots 3 and 4. Download link has been updated.

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