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Project Candlelight   (Read 186656 times)
Old Post June 04, 2005, 12:01:49 am
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Project Candlelight
That's obviously your decision, but let me tell you about Shining Online's graphics.

We're using 24*24 tiles and characters, and there are two of us doing the graphics, and it's still a lot of work for us. We have anywhere between sixty and one hundred tiles for each town, which is an awesome amount of work, even at this resolution.

I can see absolutely no reason why anybody would want to artificially create more work for themselves just in case somebody "hooks it up to a big screen". That's twat language, that is.

But, as I said, it's your choice. You won't be doing the graphics, so what difference does it make to you?

Old Post June 04, 2005, 05:12:58 am
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
This isn't soley for if the end user will plug it into a large screen. It's for looks.  When you chose to use your game's tiles in 24 x 24, you probibly did it to make it look like a Shining Force (1 or 2) game. I'm trying to make this origional while retaining most of the gameplay mechanics: the real Shining Style. My goal is to make a Shining game, but better. Things have to stay somewhat according to the time that they're in.

Sega and Camelot both knew that they would put it on the Genesis, not the Master System. Why? (besides the fact that the Master System was loosing popularity,) They did it because it would match their time frame.

This isn't a clone. It's a new game retaining Shining Force's Ideals and styles.

And about your comment of me not needing to care about the tiles, Newts, all I can say is how much that could annoy me. I'm not only the creator of this, but I'm the director, too. I have to make all of the creative decisions, and with tiles being art, I have to maintain quality with that, too.
And I didn't say I wouldn't try to help! You wouldn't believe what I can do with the GIMP!

ave the Kyantol

Old Post June 04, 2005, 08:57:16 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Project Candlelight
Quote from: "Akir"
That's a bad strategy. If we make a low resolution version first and then make a high-resolution version later, no one will care to get the high resolution version.

I seriously doubt that, especially as any high-res version I'd make would come with all sorts of other extra's too Wink.

But in the end it's your decision. I'm merely worried that you're underestimating the amount of work that comes with high-resolution games. I know I did 5 years ago...


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post June 04, 2005, 08:52:04 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Project Candlelight
As everyone is saying, it's your choice. I can guarantee that producing 200+ tiles of 64 * 64 (that's 819,200 pixels) will be a lot of work.

Doing them at 24 * 24 first and then switching to 64 * 64 would be a good option, and if your engine is scalable should only require two lines to be changed (or none at all if you're really smart Wink).

I look forward to seeing what you and the GIMP come up with.

Old Post June 05, 2005, 02:51:13 pm
Shining Light *

Posts: 230

Project Candlelight
Speaking of tiles, i've switched from 16*16 to 48*48, hence the speed boost. I'll probably still keep the 16*16 tiles, and use them to build the 48*48 ones on the fly. This change has been a long time coming.

Old Post June 06, 2005, 04:08:57 am
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
That's enough about tiles for now. Right now, we should be focusing on Storyline. I've been playing around with what I want for the introductory Sequence. How's This;

(Note: "_____" Indicates an indention. For some reason, this forum doesn't show them to wel. Also, notes are in brackets [like this].)

_____ "For centuries, the three major powers had battled for rule of the earth. They were very evenly matched against each other, and neither one could win. The constant battling between the forces had left the rest of the earth in shambles.
_____ "Fhe first force was of Shadow Dragon [Dark Dragon], whose goal was to rule world; The second, Xeion [Zeon], whose goal was to distroy the world; and the third was Lucet [Lucifer (see SFC)], whose goal was to slowly degrade the world into nothingness.
_____ "The world was forced to tear into three militias by the demons, forced to fight against each other. The people were depraived of their hopes, and were united with their fears. The more brave creatures of the world - Centaurs, Kyantols, Dwarves, and countless others - were killed oftenly as a sign of the death of their hopes.
_____ "However, there were some with hope left. They only wanted the war to end. Those people never even knew that there were others with their will. Their hope was that one day there would be an opposition. An end! They wished with their hearts and souls for a wonderous shining force!"

[Cue the magnificent "Wowee" title screen.]

It's not that great in my oppinion, and it's rather long, and prehaps it leaves open a little too much of the storyline open, but this is still an idea sketch.
I put in the part about the other races being killed off because I noticed that there weren't as many of them in the Shining Force games (especially the ones without camelot), so I make a reason.

ave the Kyantol

Old Post June 06, 2005, 11:36:29 am
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Project Candlelight
If that's intended to be the pre-title screen schpiel then it does basically give away the whole of the game, what with naming the three major villains and all.

I like the overall triumphal tone of the piece and I do think it could work, although I'd be curious to know how you'd go about developing the storyline to prevent the game from simply being an exercise in collecting fighters.

Old Post June 06, 2005, 10:36:57 pm
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
yeah, it does give too much off. However, a lot of it I want to keep (like the who the major powers are and the fact that they all each controll a third of the earth). The killing of the "SF rare" (and I use this coined term very loosely) creatures is probibly too much, and the last paragraph is far too chesey. However, I do need the last paragraph to be "wowee" so it climaxes at the title screen.
Summery: get rid of 3rd Rgf.; Revise 4th Pgh.
This is pittiful for me. I'm supposed to be a good writer, too. I wish that I could find a critic as honest as the public.

I'm getting desperate for a good composer. I think that I'll just grab the next one that comes along. If I can at least get a theme, I could baybe manipulate that into different songs and work with that.

And as to how I'm doing the story, All I'm saying is "plot twists."


ave the Kyantol

Old Post June 08, 2005, 08:07:33 pm
Shining Asteroid *

Posts: 311

Project Candlelight
1.) I'm a he, not a she as someone mentioned.

2.) Just call me Noma

3.) I've been busy for the past month or so.

4.) I'll work on some sprites and such as well as a hand drawn sketch for a character for you.  If you don't like him, dump him and just consider it a sample of what I can do.

I should have it done by Friday, until then, adios.

Old Post June 09, 2005, 02:17:52 am
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight

*takes a second to normalize*

Anyways, I have modefied my webpage. Now it says "Hello World" Creative, which is the name of my Psudo Business. Note that under "Our Products" is Project Candlelight. I know that it looks sad, but I wanted it to happen ASAP. ignore "Akir's Pages," It's nothing to do with "Hello World" Creative.

Now that I think of it, I don't think I've told you where it is. It's at http://firstakir.tripod.com/

P.S., Free Hosting would be appreciated :^P

ave the Kyantol

Old Post June 09, 2005, 09:46:13 pm
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
I can't wait for Noma to finish his art.

Anyways, Ive been playing all three Shining Force games "interogatively" lately so that I could write the scripts a little better (so I could get all of the little details). From the start of the game, They all have their town attacked, or have a battle in their town (excluding Synbios, because he wasn't from Saraband). So that's what i'm going to add to the start of the game. I also note that here's something cute in every game (Yogert, Kiwi, Grace {=^P}). Now I have to make ANOTHER charicter! It's hard enough to make one!

ave the Kyantol

Old Post June 12, 2005, 07:26:01 pm
Shining Asteroid *

Posts: 311

Project Candlelight
Running behind schedule as usual.  I'll have everything posted ASAP.  Sorry for the delay.


Old Post June 14, 2005, 02:47:11 am
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
Big mistake! I said that Dark Dragon was one of the Demon Kings. I wasn't paying enough to the transilation of the storytellers scene. Dark Dragon isn't a king. It's an ancient creature that was summoned by Darksol, who is a real Demon king!Now I'm at a dilema, as I can't think of anything that sounds like darksol :^P

ave the Kyantol

New Post June 14, 2005, 08:28:35 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Project Candlelight
Euhh.... Dorksoul??


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

New Post June 14, 2005, 09:11:31 pm
Shining Dude *

Posts: 156

Project Candlelight
I already thought of that. I'm not quite happy with it, though.

ave the Kyantol

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