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Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -   (Read 323320 times)
Old Post August 04, 2008, 02:30:56 pm
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Fire? Which fire?


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post August 05, 2008, 08:29:28 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
The one in my fireplace.
I'm not much of one to start the fire, in fact I've only had about 6 of them this winter.
However once it's going I'll be damned if I'm gonna let it go out.
My flatmate worked out that(against all logic) even with the air vent totally closed the fire kept going very very slowly. . . so I guess some other air is getting in there somehow.  Anyway, this means I can now chuck on a big log at night and it'll be going in the morning.


Old Post August 05, 2008, 08:50:57 am
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Ah, the joys of a fire that won't go out. The longest I ever kept one going was a week. It was for a camp, and even though it rained and somebody tipped water all over the fire, it could not be defeated. I was sad to see it go Sad

Do not pour petrol on a fire though, unless you don't want your eyebrows.

Old Post August 09, 2008, 12:40:22 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
You should have told me that before I started arguing with my girlfriend about how I was right in saying hi to my friend first(who i hadn't seen in 2 years) before I said hi to her.


Old Post August 13, 2008, 12:01:50 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
I think I would have argued about that too. I'll assume you lost Tongue

Old Post August 17, 2008, 01:56:02 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -

In the olympics we have a couple gold medal winning talents from NZ.  A pair of twin girls in the rowing(who won gold last olympics too), and an easy win for womens shotput.

We generally get these sort of medal counts, a gold or 2, a silver or 2 and a few bronze.

Yesterday morning we had no medals... This morning we have 2/1/2.  Big day for us : )


Old Post August 23, 2008, 09:15:45 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
So our olympic chances have finally come to a close.
We ended up on 3/1/5, which is very good for us with all of 4.5 million people.

It would be nice to see olympics as a town theme in a shining game, where characters you're going to see later on in the game(or were heroes earlier on in your story) come to the town to take part in jousting, wrestling, fencing, caber tossing, chicken chasing etc etc.

I'm sure it's been done in various rpg games but I'm not sure if it's been done so blatently as gold/silver/bronze and other themes from the real world.


Old Post August 23, 2008, 03:25:56 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
I've never seen chicken chasing at the olympics, but that would be pretty cool for a Shining game. Maybe a Colosseum style town, where medals can be exchanged for stuff. Maybe winning gold in different disciplines would give access to special characters or something. Maybe I should stop using the word maybe.

Great Britain did pretty well this time, considering we usually suck at everything. Especially stuff we've invented. However, if public drunkeness was an olympic sport, I would expect Team GB to win their own weight in gold medals.

Old Post August 23, 2008, 10:00:47 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
I remember in landstalker they had some pretty neat minigames you could play.
because you bet gold on them though, once you got the knack you could(if you didn't get bored too easily) get as much gold as you liked.
I remember some sort of race from an oldschool rpg game too, but can't remember where it was.


Old Post August 27, 2008, 08:09:49 am
Shining Mullet *

Posts: 572

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Still Alive Mates!

Bleah, the posts are few and far inbetween arent they? sorry about that...things went and got busy around here.

Oddly enough nothing special really just a bit of a move across town and back to the olde grind stone of whoring myself out to companies in the hopes that they'll actually pay me to do something for them, here's hoping. There are a right many things i'd like to buy and they say this is really the only way to go about getting the paper to do so!

Hope everything has gone well by you all, things seem steady here so far. I'll Try to think of things to type on a somewhat regular day to day basis, or at the very least read the olde threads and keep up on things.

Havnt heard a whole lot from the Newts, he doin' alright?


New Post August 27, 2008, 02:54:53 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Good to see you still around mate Smiley

Newts is fine, he's just without internet access at the moment. He should be back online within the next month or so. I'll let him know you were asking Smiley

New Post August 29, 2008, 08:34:35 pm
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Pff, the next month or so. I am online NOW! It's good to be back on YoB, even if I'm finding my return to the 'net rather bewildering. There's so much to do, but by the time I've sat down at the PC I've forgotten what it was I wanted to do... I'm sure it'll come back to me.

I don't have a favourite drink at the moment, but my culinary addiction is Blue Dragon Thai Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce. Don't let its name confuse you - it has nothing to do with the Mistwalker/Akira Toriyama 360 RPG, and can be used for things other than dipping. I rather like it on burgers.

New Post September 01, 2008, 04:13:54 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129


New Post September 01, 2008, 10:25:43 am
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096


New Post September 02, 2008, 10:58:38 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Bung Ole Ole Never Ending Thread - Vintage Classics Edition -
Ahh yes, the life of a geek with friends is never secret for long.
I'm in one of those actually, the smoke filled room I'm in a black jacket, white shirt(with "dragon" kanji on it) and not so recently bleached hair.

Fun times, that lan.  Anyone else here do much lanning?


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