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The Shining Source

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Me   (Read 6239 times)
Old Post October 13, 2006, 03:47:55 am
Blahian *

Posts: 29

Okay, as of late, I've desided to write some... and I need opinions! So here we go! My current stuff, posted here. If you have any thoughts, lemme know. Also, the paragraphing didn't quite make it into the transition Sad Sorry.

Sinfully Yours

     The thunderstorm awoke Loki with a jump. His hands clutched the hilt of his sword tightly? His eyes scanning every possible point of entry to his cave. Sensing no trouble, he let go of the sword and looked down to Rune, she was sleeping on his chest, curled up in his tattered cape. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he stroked her hair.
?All this trouble over a girl?? Loki said with a chuckle. He couldn?t believe what had happened in the past few weeks? First he was to be relieved of his duty as guild figure, and then he was labeled as an exile? that usually meant that he was considered a dead man. Visions of his last meeting kept playing over in his mind. Surely this was a set up. The higher ups must have wanted him out of the way? and Rune too, but why? What could they possibly gain from it?
Rune shifted around on Loki, startling him, he was not used to being touched, or used as a pillow for that matter?He gave a fake cough, and kinda moved around a bit, just enough to wake Rune up.
?Uhhh? what time is it?? she asked sleepily. Loki shrugged as he stood up and stretched a bit, Rune yawned once more and handed him his cape.
?I?m sorry, I didn?t mean to make you uncomfortable, its just that I?m really not used to any of this? first you appear to kill me, and then you save me?now we are hiding in some cave in the hills while you try to think of how to get us out of the area without being killed??
Loki shrugged once more ? I don?t know what to say to that? its not like I?m used to it myself? I do know however, that if we don?t get a move on the trackers will find us before we even leave this god forsaken cave.? he said and took the cape from her. His eyes stared coldly at her. It was as though he hated her. In his mind, he needed someone to blame, and to him, it was her fault that caused all of this. Rune nodded, she wasn?t sure what Loki was thinking about doing, but she would follow him, he was the only person she trusted right now, even though she noticed every gaze of despair and anger, she realized he was just as confused as she was about their current situation. Yet he had protected her from the ?fail safes? sent by his guild.
?Loki? I never really got to thank you for?? Rune started but she was cut off.
?Don?t thank me for anything? it was a mistake to keep you alive? yet? I couldn?t bring myself to kill you?and I know that something isn?t right with the tenth?but even so? do not thank me? I will solve the mystery? however, not because of you? they?ve been odd as of late and I?m really curious as to why?? Loki said, his ability to string a full sentence together was failing him in shock; she was thanking him for hating her? He couldn?t figure out her gratitude. He sighed and began for the entrance, Rune was a few feet behind him, and suddenly he stopped and spun around, grabbing Rune by the mouth to cut off her started cry.
Loki pointed to the sun outside of the cave, although it was hard to tell, it looked as though there was another person outside the cave, waiting on them to exit? Loki quietly sat down his bag and looked to her and put his finger of his lips. She nodded and with that he turned towards their exit, his hand went over to his sword once more and gripped it. At the edge of the cave mouth, he sprinted out and sprung towards the person, who in return jumped to the side and pulled his gun, firing twice at Loki.
Trying her hardest not to scream, Rune watched the form of Loki slumping to the ground? fearing the worst, she crept towards the cave mouth to peer out, only to come face to face with the attacker.
?Come on girly! Yer goin home!? he said with a toothless grin. He reached out for her but was meet with a helmet to the face as Rune swung at him, the man landed on the ground and was stunned at the speed of the girl, she backed up and began to tell the man to leave when she noticed that Loki was standing over the man.
?In your next life, I hope you check to see if you actually kill your target?? Loki said before he plunged his sword through the mans chest? There was little struggle after that, Loki removed his sword from the man and wiped the blood on the dead mans shirt.
?He wasn?t a tracker? but judging from the weapon he is using? he was hired by the guild?? Loki sighed and shook his head? ?Leodi will resort to anything to ensure that he keeps his job,? he said as he laughed.
?That I will?? a strange voice called out from above them?Loki growled, he knew that voice well?
The voice was oh so familiar to Loki. His sword was already in the defensive position. Rune quickly scampered away from Loki, realizing that it might not be the safest of areas to be.
?So Leodi, you?ve come out here to see me dead?? Loki muttered.
?Yes and no, you of all people should know I do not like to dirty my own hands Loki, especially since I have an entire guild to do that for me. I did however come to tell you, if you want to live, hand over the girl, and I will let you live in exile, if you fail to comply? well, let me tell you don?t.? Leodi said in a dry tone. He dropped into clear sight, two sword wielding grunts along with him. His eye scanning the cave, noting that Rune was only a few meters behind Loki.
?I do hope you don?t seriously think I would want to live in exile? Something isn?t right about the guild, what are you hiding Leodi? What have you done?? Loki questioned, his grip on the hilt had transformed from a casual one to a sweet filled white-knuckled fear. He had no worry about his own life, he was quite sure he could come out of the fight unharmed. However, he had to think for two, Rune was not a very dependable combatant, and she would need his protection, however, Loki had never been one to protect something, his ability focused more upon offense.
?So that?s a no? Pity, I was hoping only to have one corpse to carry?? Leodi snapped and sighed. The two bodyguards sprung into action, charging towards Loki, who stood his ground, Rune fell to her knees, the fear paralyzing her from taking any action. Loki growled as his blade collided with the first blow, the second connected with his sheath. Both bodyguards stopped as their momentum was suddenly reduced to nothing. Loki quickly set out to counter, ducking down and using his sword to open a wound on the closest knee available. As the flesh was split, Loki shoved his foe to the ground and returned to his first stance, awaiting a second attack from the remaining foe.
?Idiot!? Leodi shouted as his face reddened with anger, ?Go for the girl!?
The bodyguard had begun to carry out the order but met the sheath to the neck as he jumped towards Rune. The sheer force of the blow knocked him out, before he hit the ground Loki had plunged his sword through the chest, insuring that he would not be any more trouble. Leodi swore loudly as he fled from the scene, making it apparent that he had no plan to fight. Loki stepped quickly to the one legged man, disarming him.
?Answer me, and I will grant you a quicker death, if you don?t, I?ll leave you here so you can slowly bleed? Loki spat out. Rune flinched, she knew Loki was an accomplished assassin, but she had never before witnessed this kind of treatment.
?I-I don?t know anything? I was just assigned to guard? L-Leodi? the guard said ?honest!?
?I see, then rest in peace, Rune, lets go.? Loki said, without waiting for her answer, he set out of the cave. The horrified cry of the man rang through the cave. Rune stopped Loki just outside of the cave.
?You said that you would grant him peace!? Rune begged, her eyes searching into Lokis, she did not believe that he was this evil.
?There are plenty of weapons left from the fight? Loki said as he picked up and tossed a gun into the cave ?If he wants peace, let him find it himself, I have drawn enough blood today.?
An unheard sigh escaped Makoto as he stood out in the cold rain. He had been ordered to do night duty rather his usual intelligence operations.
?Bastards? can?t even keep people on location, wonder if that?s why?? his voice died down as he looked about. Not a sound could be heard, save for the rain. He entered the small shake and removed his trench coat. His black hair looked as though it had been used as a mop. He turned on the computer and began to type out his report for the hour. His eyes scanning outside for any signs of life ever so often. A flash of lightning lit up the area to reveal nothing in the area other than the scrap heaps surrounding him.
?Can?t even put our hideout in a cool location! Oh no? its must be in the junkyard!? he reported in his log. Suddenly a box appeared on his screen, he looked up outside and growled, someone had triggered a silent alarm. He stood and snatched his coat off of the rack and was outside, his shades over his ever-scanning eyes. There was a sound, from behind him, he spun to late, and the last thing he saw before he faded into the darkness was a familiar face.
?Loki? where ya bee??
Rune sat shivering in the dark. The only source of warmth was Lokis tattered cape. She had been told not to start a fire, incase wandering patrols were around. She didn?t know where Loki had gone, nor when he would be back, but she did know that he was doing something that could very likely get him killed. He had left her with his gun, but she doubted she could use it. She was starting to worry, she had no idea exactly how long Loki had been gone, but the sun was starting to rise, and he had left during the night. The rain had finally stopped, but she couldn?t sleep, as tired as she was, she was more fearful of being found.
?He?ll be back in a little bit,? She assured herself, ?He said he was going to check on a few things then he would be right back? ?
?And here he is?? Loki said while climbing into the small den, ?Look, we have to hurry, the morning patrol is going to be here any moment, and we don?t want to get caught up by them. I found an old friend, he is willing to give us protection while I do some investigation.? he quietly whispered and nodded his head towards the exit. Rune nodded and began to follow him out. She looked up to the sky, it was still somewhat cloudy, but the sun shown through still.
?Who is your friend? Will he turn you or me in? How do you know we can trust him?? all of these questions she wanted to ask him, but she could not bring herself to question his judgment. A few minutes had passed before they came to the road. A car was waiting for them; he rushed her into the back seat and chuckled as he told the driver to get them out of there. An odd thought passed through Runes mind as she heard his voice, there was kindness in it, and it was no longer hostile. She slowly realized that Loki had a whole level of being that she did not even realize existed until a moment ago. She sat in silence for the hour ride, only answering to questions directed at her personally. They arrived at a small manor, Loki stepped out of the car with a smile on his face.
?Home?? he said as he strolled into the house. Rune looked to the driver who nodded.
?Bet you didn?t know Loki was a rich kid did ya? Hehe, as harsh as he may seem, he?s not that bad, a bit spoiled if you ask me. Oh! My manners, forgive me, I am Makoto. I?m sure Loki never mentioned anything about me did he?? he spoke so quickly Rune could not follow the conversation past that. She sighed and looked into the manor.
?Won?t he be found here? Doesn?t the people know where his house is?? she boggled.
?Oh no, you see, Loki isn?t his real name? I don?t know what it is; I met him in the tenth. He don?t talk to much about his past, all I know is his parents died when he was young and he wanted something to do with a new life, so he cast aside his old one.? Makoto rambled on. Rune nodded and stepped forward towards the house, but stopped short of the stairs and spun around.
?Would he mind if I went in??
?I don?t think he would care too much. I?ve never gone inside though, but then again, I rarely go inside anywhere that I don?t live in. But I will warn you; nobody has been here in about? ten years or so, so it could be highly dirty. Which reminds me of the time?? he started once more but stopped upon Rune entering the home. A quick glance and Rune instantly knew someone had been there? the place was spotless, it was cleaned and not a speck of dust was anywhere to be found. She had not been in the house long when she noticed Loki coming down the stairs, he had a new pair of pants on a shirt had been slung over his shoulder and he was speaking with someone upstairs, Rune attempted to get a better look as to who, but could not see still. Lokis eyes shifted to her as she moved, he laughed.
?And who said you could come in??
?I ? but I didn?t ? I?m sorry,? Rune started to stutter,
?Its fine, I am joking? something I?ve never done around you I?m sure.?
Rune looked to Loki with a puzzled face. He suddenly didn?t act like the same Loki. For the first time, she saw Loki both physically and mentally gentle. His face was no longer dirty, revealing his gentle features, his new clothes, or his pants beings that it was all he had on, was non combinative nor rugged. As for the shirt slung over his shoulder, it looked as though it would be smooth to touch, and more festive than anything. Runes befuddlement made Loki laugh.
?Its not usually anything I do, but we are having guests over? today is Makotos daughters birthday, she is turning 5, and highly cranky that uncle Loki hasn?t seen her in a while.? He smirked. Rune cocked her head to the side. Uncle? He didn?t seem like he was the caring type. Dismissing the negativity she looked to around, then it hit her, she needed to bathe.
?Uh, Loki, if we are going to have a party? is there anywhere I can get some cloths and to shower??
?Upstairs, there is a shower, Jin will show it to you,? he waved to the top of the stairs, ?Also, he will find you something a bit better to ware till we can go shopping? or whatever?? Loki said slyly, he had no intention of entering the city for a long while, at least, not for pleasure.
?Thanks?? Rune quietly said as she walked up the stairs, she was meet by Jin, he looked to be in his fifties, possibly sixties, He showed her to the bathing room, and informed her that her dress would be waiting for her outside of the shower when she was finished. Downstairs, Loki and Makoto seemed to be sidetracked. The guests of honor were late?
Almost an hour had past since Rune had showered and still not a soul had arrived to the manor.
?What could be taking them so long? I told them come straight here.? Growled Makoto. He was pacing back and forth, Loki was sitting in the chair closest to the window, he had not seen any sign of activity outside, and he too was worried. With Makoto missing from his post, his family would either be questioned or informed of his disappearance, and to do this, that would mean they would be detained until he was found.
?You don?t think that they got?? Makoto swallowed, unable to finish the sentence, Loki shook his head.
?I left Seta with them for that reason, I doubt they have run into trouble, but if they don?t get here soon?? Loki said it was getting dark outside, and with the knowledge that Loki was still alive and the fact that there was an officer missing from his post, the entire city would be placed under lockdown until both problems were solved.
?Its not that I don?t trust Seta, but he hasn?t had the? LOOK!? Makoto shouted as he nearly pounced through the window, there was a car slowly rolling into view, Makoto bounced out the door faster than Loki could stop him, there were four guests in the car? the expected was to be three.
?Makoto! STOP!? Loki shouted as he leaped for him, but he was to slow, Makoto was already out the door and halfway to the car. Then Loki noticed that three of the guests were the correct members, the fourth, was unconscious, and bound. Makoto lifted his wife into the air and twirled around, a smile on his face, Loki looked to Seta, then to the bound man.
?Find some trouble??
?He was patrolling the western exit, we took him out, and then made a run for it, we had to take a few? detours however, I doubt they kept up with us, but still? its hard to tell if we will be found or not.?
?I highly doubt it, if there was only a one man patrol there, they don?t know where we are, which is a good thing, not to mention that the only way to follow that thing,? Loki waved to the car ?See the tracks first?? Seta nodded at this, most scans was done from satilites and missed old rubber made tracks. Loki missed the start of the party, the dirt had to be ?tilled? as Loki explained to Violet. The rest of the night had gone smoothly, they had not been found, and all the worries seemed to stop momentarily.
The next morning Rune awoke, she had slept in the same room with Violet and Kat, she quietly yawned as she exited the room, looking for the room where Loki had slept. As she walked down the hallway, she noticed that Jin was up; he was stirring some coffee and walking towards her.
?Can I help you ma?am?? he asked.
?Uh, where is Loki?? she asked.
?He left earlier, he and Makoto both. I was told to make sure you and Kat are comfortable, and to ensure that you do not under any reason leave the manor.? Jin calmly replied. ?Is there anything I can get you?? Rune shook her head, why would they leave without saying anything to them? She suddenly felt betrayed, but at the same moment, she couldn?t understand why, its not as though Loki owed her an answer to anything, he had endangered his life and became infamous simply because he refused to kill her. But she couldn?t help feeling left out, and that Loki should have told her. She wandered down to her room and re-entered it, she sat down in a chair and looked out the window.
?Don?t worry, they will be back by tomorrow.? Kat said suddenly, Rune turned to face her, she was a slim woman of about twenty or so, her pale complexion somewhat clashed with her fiery red hair. A smile crossed her lips, ?And don?t worry, my ashke will protect yours.? A look of confusion crossed Runes face as Kat spoke.
?Beloved, its an older language, my parents were taught it and passed it down to me and my siblings, I didn?t really pay attention to it to much, beings that things that come from before the new age are outlawed? I didn?t want to slip up, but that word I cling to dearly.? Kat spoke, Rune quickly shook her head.
?Loki isn?t my beloved? I don?t even think we could be considered friends, he was supposed to kill me, but he??
?I know, Makoto informed me of everything, still, I think that the two of you? well you know, but that?s not up to me I suppose.? She winked; Rune dismissed the thought of any affection coming from Loki. It was impossible.
?So how much do you know about Loki??
?I don?t know too much, but I do know that he and Makoto met during their entry exam, the two worked together so perfectly that the proctors declared them the best rookies. They did several missions together, but soon they began solo missions, I suppose Loki had had his fill of the aggressive approach. Makoto never was one for stealth; after they split ways it was a while before they met again, the next time during their extermination exam?that was so hard for them. And then?? Kat began some more. But the words extermination exam had caught Runes undivided attention.
?Wait, what about an exam? How do you test an assassin??
?Well, you don?t, I suppose, this wasn?t mearly a test; this was also an underground war. The top two hundred assassins were dispatched into the fourth sect to weed out the possibility of takeovers. Makoto and Loki were among them. After it was said and done, only ten members were alive, Makoto didn?t know many of them, but of them, the current president of the tenth, Makoto, Loki, and a man named Kyo were the highest ranked.?
?Wait, their president was part of this? Why send someone so up high to do some??
?No no dear, she wasn?t the president at the time she took over the tenth eventually, but after that day, they were each branded with a X on their right shoulder, to remind them of their fallen comrades and that they were the strength of unity? or something like that, Makoto never explained it to me, but I have my belief that it means that because of their teamwork they survived and ensured peace.?
?Among those ten was also Leodi, Loki explained to me you encountered him whilst residing in a cave.? Seta said as he entered the room, ?Excuse my intrusion, but breakfast is done, and we need to ensure that this room, among others, is safe. Vintage points along the hills need to be sighted, to ensure your safety here. Extra precautions Loki ordered.?
?Thank you.? Rune looking to Kat as she picked up Violet and carried her downstairs.
?Its almost dark, do you think we can get this done quick enough?? Makoto asked. Loki shrugged.
?Its all dependent on you, I?m a wanted man, while yes you are missing, you can use that you are reporting in to get around.?
?Do you think they would let me wander around unescorted? They are going to be all over me??
?Well then you can always swipe a keycard and work your way around that way? otherwise, you have no choice.? Loki grinned, he knew that this wasn?t exactly what Makoto had wanted but given the circumstances; there was no other way.
?Fine, but what about you? What if they find you out here??
?Then I guess they?re going to be several guards short, don?t worry though, I?ll cause so much hell you will know I?m found. That?ll be your que to get the hell out of there.? Loki chuckled. Makoto sighed and nodded, he quickly left the area and walked towards the gatekeeper, there was a small commotion then the sound of a body hitting the ground, followed by a gate opening. Loki smiled; Makoto had made it through the gate, yet the biggest problem was yet to come.
Makoto slowly made his way through the corridors of the building, attempting not to be noticed as he made his way towards the engineering bay. Only a handful of fresh meat were up, if Makoto had been on duty, he would be giving them hell for not being in their quarters, but he wasn?t on duty, and by no means did he want any attention. He was half way there when his heart skipped a beat. Straight ahead of him walked the worst thing he could have imagined in any scenario. He lowered his head and staggered past a big burly man, chains covered much of his body, strapped to his back, dragging behind him a cannon. Time seemed to stand still as Makoto walked past the bio weapon. His code name was Dyce, and appropriately so. It was a gamble to use him in any situation; his love for pain and misery was topped only by his destructive abilities. Makoto quickly turned into the bay room. Carelessly leaving the stolen keycard in the scanner. As he strolled in, he noticed that there was still someone there. A sly grin covered Makotos face as he stepped forward the small man.
?I don?t suppose you?ve seen my suit? I left it somewhere around here for repairs?? Makoto gruffly asked. The man looked up and cried out with laughter.
?Makoto! You bastard! You scared me!? the man replied quickly ?Of course I know whereyoursuitis, I was repairingitwhenIdesidedtomakesomemuchneeded?? he began to sputter out, his words running together with the speed. Makoto chuckled, and patted him on the back.
?Look, DJ, I just need my suit? I got a lot of problems, and I don?t need to know exactly what I did to it, but I do need to know where it is, and then I suggest you get the hell out of here? if you help me, well? I dunno what will happen. But still, it?s going to get dangerous around here soon.? As Makoto began to spill the story DJ drug up a rather large crate, and began to open it, revealing the insides to Makoto.
?I completely revamped her! She?s a beaut no? All new energy based weapon systems! You got your standard energy beam, and then my new prototype! It?s a energy rocket, highlyunstablehowever, I don?t suggest using it often?? DJ began to speed his speech up once more, as he did, he pointed to each area and the weapon or upgrade he had installed, finally he tossed Makoto a suit.
?Then there?s that, it?s got nano bots in it. They help stop the impact of the metal against you.? He explained once more. Makoto nodded and quickly put it on and stepped towards his armor.
?Did you do anything about the err? sting?? he asked, DJ shook his head.
?There?s nothing that I can do to lessen that.? He replied, Makoto signed as he turned around and pressed his back firmly to the metal. He lowered the helm to his head and smirked.
?Well? at least I only have to do this every once in a while.? He chuckled as the helm scanned his eyes. Moments later the suit began to strap itself to his body, ?Now for the fun pa? uhhh!? he released his breath heavily as the nerve connectors pierced his skin and attached themselves to his nerve system. He stood for a moment, stunned by the pain. Moments later he was able to move freely, all traces of pain had ceased. He looked around as his helmet ran a check up over the systems, if DJ had been able to see his face, he would have seen the biggest smile he had ever seen.

Coming at you, with a marshmellow warped mind!

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