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Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread   (Read 163821 times)
Old Post April 26, 2004, 09:02:16 pm
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water - the power of warm suds should not be underestimated!

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound - Sean's abundant wiggling burns the eyes of the heretics!

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! - the Smiley of Doom is no match for a big square of white... it's terrifying!

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar

Nick Vs LOA - just because he's my mate Tongue

Old Post April 26, 2004, 11:21:49 pm
Shining Forever *

Posts: 273

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water
Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound - they may have pitch forks and torches, but their still no match for shotguns.
OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley) - paint pwns j00 all
Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar - mwa ha ha, I will send my legions of DSC players, with such sayings as :
Blue Storm says, i play ets as a average player n it takes too mucht ime allready not another browsergame
Nick Vs LOA

SC: dead again, dun dun dun.

Old Post April 27, 2004, 05:33:05 am
Shining Mullet *

Posts: 572

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley)

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar

Nick Vs LOA

sorry..i like 'em all

Old Post April 27, 2004, 08:11:22 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Interesting rounds we have here Wink.

Devlyn Vs Soapy water

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound
Sean shall make these hippies flee by joining in with hot pants!

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley)
Both lose. Newts takes care of the eraser tool while the Bad spelling and grammar takes care of O(K)SIWM

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar
Both win by jumping into the other match Tongue.

Nick Vs LOA
Whomever dies of old age last wins Wink.


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post April 27, 2004, 09:19:40 am
Shining Something *

Posts: 112

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water
Dev is less than 50% dirt, so he'll survive, at least a large part of him

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound
They still run if they see him wiggling

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley)
This matchup is so unfair Sad

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar
Neevre notiiced him bad spellings

Nick Vs LOA
wtf is LOA anyway?

ah yah, yakidiaya, long live Ye Olde Blah

Old Post April 27, 2004, 09:39:59 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
LOA stands for Legend of Atlantis, a verrry old Shining project from Nick Wink.


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post April 28, 2004, 01:09:09 pm
Shining Godzilla *

Posts: 361

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water SUDS!

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound Because i'd be leading them Cheesy

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley) Please. Nothing can beat the smiley

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar Of course im hooked on the stuff Tongue

Nick Vs LOA LOA will prevail even if nick locks it up Smiley

D        D   E          R      R     P       P  !!!
D        D   EEEE    RRRRR     PPPPP   !!!
D        D   E          R    R       P
DDDDD    EEEEE  R      R     P            !!!

Old Post April 28, 2004, 10:05:34 pm
Shining Light *

Posts: 224

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Devlyn Vs Soapy water
it might not be applesap but after enough beers you can even drink that....

Seany Vs the Anti-wiggle parade with burning torches and pitch forks abound
They just need to tie his hands and he will die due to the lack of wiggling

OKSIWM Vs The eraser tool on paint! (pretty scary for a smiley)
Paint can kill anything - it is the most annoying program ever (tho - paint for win 3.1 still is the worst paint ever)

Newts Vs Bad spelling and grammar
Not sure if he will win but as he won't give in and loose and I guess that's enough

Nick Vs LOA
there may be Nick without LOA but there never would be LOA without nick...

t's not like I really care

Old Post May 06, 2004, 02:33:50 am
Shining Light *

Posts: 207

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
yay, only 3% to go on my download of big o season one via bittorrent!

i>never knows best

Old Post May 06, 2004, 03:22:10 am
Shining Light *

Posts: 202

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Hey, I want the Big O season one, it is on too late for me to ever get into it but it looks interexsting.  please give me source of download!



Old Post May 06, 2004, 09:00:49 am
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
That was a bit on the "unexpected" side Tongue I wonder how long the BONET's got to go before the champion can be crowned? By my calculations, Nick is the odds-on favourite to walk away with the prestigious title, but who knows? Edgey, we must know now Tongue

Old Post May 18, 2004, 09:19:52 pm
Shining Something *

Posts: 144

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Ok, time to see who's overcome their greatest fear  :twisted:

Nick, Newts, Seany(just!), and Devlyn

Well that evens things up a bit, 4 contestants left for the semi finals of DOOM!
OKSIWM was suitably erased by his nemesis ;P

Well, without further ado here goes the next stage of the BONET!

Newts VS Seany - Well, Seanys in for a challenge and he knows it. But after overcoming the anti wiggle parade dont write off his chances. FIGHT!

Nick VS Devlyn - Tough one for Nick here, he won't find it easy against the Dutch giant. LETS GET IT ON!

Get voting people, i wanna see close fights, excitement and bloodshed!

Make sure you give a good description of how each battle is won, and what finishing move is used by each participant. This is a semi final, bring it to life! Smiley

Old Post May 18, 2004, 09:36:35 pm
Global Moderator
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,096

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
Nick VS Devlyn - Tough one for Nick here, but Dev won't find it easy against the Stourbridge giant. LETS GET IT ON!

A slow start to this semi-final match, with both participants avoiding doing any real work for as long as they can. After five hours of nothing but... nothing, the judges decide to liven things up by giving each participant their drink of choice - a Stella goes to Nick and an applesap to Dev. This seems to invigorate the contestants, and they launch headfirst into each other.

Devlyn gets the better of the early goings, taunting Nick by smearing peanut butter all over his face. Nick quickly retaliates by revealing a concealed weapon - bratwurst! This has always had a hypnotic effect on the boy from Holland and this is certainly true here, as Dev becomes completely mesmerised by the 'wurst. Nick takes advantage by bashing his opponent around the chops, and kicking him in the arse when he's down.

With the line-of-sight effect of the bratwurst gone Dev's senses return and,
in his rage, he produces his famed finishing move - the Shiny Sword! Nick cowers in awe at the blade's brilliance, but his expression soon turns to amusement when he realises the sword is only 1% complete!

Seizing the opportunity, Nick pours boiling JAVA all over Dev, dissolving the Dutchman's normally impenetrable armour. His opponent reduced to a cowering wreck, Nick subjects the ultimate torture and forces Dev to eat herrings and cream, forcing his enemy to submit immediately.

Nick wins! Cheesy

Old Post May 19, 2004, 07:03:01 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
...I mean, bummer Tongue

Newts VS Seany

Both face each other in the combat ring, realizing why on earth they were pitted against each other. Neither of them doesn't really want to fight, and notice the sheer size of their aggression problem.

In order to get rid of this, both of them abandon the match and visit Dr. Phil at the Oprah Winfrey Show instead. He helps them with their issues of mutual hatred and makes them happy, though brainwashed, campers again Tongue.

Winner: Dr. Phil???


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post May 20, 2004, 07:42:26 pm
Shining Something *

Posts: 144

Bung Ol?! Never Ending Thread
- Newts picks up his stool and swings it in Seanys direction. Dr.Phil calls on security who attempt to restrain him, but Newts dons his ninja gear and escapes their grasp, he moves towards Seany with a menacing look in his eye. Seany, however has his eyes fixed on lunch - a bowl of lucky charms. Newts wins Tongue

- That was a vote was cast on behalf of Devlyn, who cant seem to vote properly recently Tongue (I bet he's one of those people that would vote for the monster raving loony party ;P )

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