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Reworking the SF2 C# project code   (Read 62009 times)
Old Post December 03, 2009, 11:32:26 am
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Good day to you all. I have been watching this place for a number of years and I am quite the fan. Such dedication to great games of this series and the people striving for better has made me want to contribute to the site.... soon.

Recently I was informed the Source code of a C# shining force 2 engine was released here. Being my favorite game, I immediately took a look into it. I have been programming in XNA for quite sometime and have been looking for such an engine to play with.

Upon inspection of the structure I gather it needs major improvement. I applaud the person (Aura4 I believe) for their hard work at getting something like to out there.

I plan on working extensively on this code to refactor some things and get a sort of stand alone engine going alongside the actual game.

Tbh, I did port it into the xbox for inspection and it does need a lot of work because it runs a little jittery on it. No worries, I always wait until last to port because of more concentration on the code.

But let me just say that this place truly is a nice place to be.

I intend to become a little active here when I am not moderating RageZone in the FlyFF section. For those of you not heard of the site, its an MMO development forum for various games like WoW, FlyFF, Rose, Habbo, etc. Do check it out when you have time and stop by my FlyFF section and say hi.

Keep watching the forums, as I will try and rework some stuff and add some new features. If this has already been done, its okay. I plan on making a fully complete and different story altogether.

Have a nice day.


Old Post December 05, 2009, 01:03:22 am
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Cool, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Are there any areas in particular areas you're going to concentrate on?

Old Post December 05, 2009, 08:22:59 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Right now, I'm working on getting the sprites in order as there are a a lot of them. I see this site has an entire collection of enemy sprites and in the structure I am going to use, which cuts down the time of that part drastically. The battle system is near flawless, both in speed and accuracy. So I won't be messing with it too much.

Basically, I am expanding on it to include town traversing, cut scene attacks, and adding in a story line. I still give major props to the author of the engine. I hope he still works on it.

I'm going to add in a script engine so anyone can use the engine to create the original SF2 or make a completely different game.

Once I get the sprites into sheet form I can work on getting them loaded faster into the game.

I'll keep everyone interested posted from time to time.

Old Post December 07, 2009, 07:01:07 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Sounds great GlaphanKing Smiley
Nice to meet you.

We will all certainly be interested to hear any progress you make, and good luck with it!



Old Post December 10, 2009, 01:38:17 am
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Just a quick update.

I've started work on a "database" editor as well as a map and story editor. I'm looking at some script engines but I think in the end I'm going with my own design.

The Item, Spell, and Character classes have been changed into a more dynamic class. I've also made a basic menu window, dialog window and some other small things so people can just edit the files externally and go.

I'm starting to notice this is becoming a full fledged engine for Shining Force games. I believe that the intention all along.

I will be making a game using this engine once it is completed.

Once I get the editors a little more complete, I'm going to make some screens for all to enjoy.

And thanks for the warm reception. I know how sometimes it can have the opposite effect on some die hard fans even like myself.

I'll be updating the thread as much as possible.

Old Post December 10, 2009, 02:35:24 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Looking forward to seeing some screens. It's always exciting to see progress on new Shining projects Smiley

Old Post December 13, 2009, 06:02:13 am
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
As it stands now, I have a windows class set up to draw the windows. I can write to the dialog box.

As for screens, I'm working on getting the actual map engine running so I can post some images. From looking at the code, the author was going to hardcode everything into the program code which can be a bad thing. I want  to make a lot of things dynamic.

Here are some things I plan on doing to the engine.

Dialogs,Battles Towns and scripts (i.e. cutscenes) will be loaded externally so it can become a stand alone engine for other people to use.

There will be tilesets as opposed to one tile per texture. It takes too much to compile every single texture.

The spell will get a sort of pseudo 3D particle system overhaul, possibly.

So in short,

if you want to create a town, battle, cutscene, etc. You will simply add in another script and go from there.

Each town will have a definition file to hold triggers for battles and other things like map transitions and dialog triggers.

I know this sounds complicated but its really simple when it is completed.

I want to thank ShiningSource for the tileset I will be using. Whoever created it worked hard on it and deserves credit as well as the enemies sets I downloaded from here.

As soon as this is done you will be able to remake the game or go a different route and make a completely different game. I did notice and idea for Marvel Super Heroes so that is a possibility with this soon to be engine.

I'll keep everyone updated as much as possible.

Old Post December 16, 2009, 10:57:08 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Small Update.

Using BNC's Caravan program, I'm extracting tilesets from the games for testing. One thing I want to point out is that each map has 5 layers with a different tile set for each layer. This program is really helping me out and I think anyone willing to help contribute or try their luck themselves should start there.

Once I get a stable demo up, how would I go about getting a project page for this engine?

Old Post December 19, 2009, 05:53:50 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Sounds like things are moving along at a good pace. To get a project page, just talk to me and I'll set one up for you Smiley

I didn't know about the map layers thing, I always assumed there were 3 layers (2 behind the characters and 1 above). How does it work in SF2?

Making the whole thing configurable is definitely a good idea, and I know BABS took a similar route. What sort of scripting system are you going for?

Old Post December 22, 2009, 02:09:22 am
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code

Here is a very early work print on the game. So far the engine is complete and it loads the layers the right way. Once I get the engine bug free I will move on to getting the npcs, and interating parts like map warping and triggers done.

Be noted that this will be a stand along engine or can be integrated into any tactical engine once completed.

The only drawback right now is the tiles are 8x8 and give a blurry effect when drawn. So I'm going to resize them soon to test them out. don't be alarmed at the size of the character. its going to be resized along with the tiles.

Oh, and this is a map of granseal.

Old Post December 22, 2009, 08:41:41 am
Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,208

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
Hey GK,

Looks like a nice start. To be honest I'm personally not all that bothered by the blurriness Wink.


Great news for Shining fangame developers! Wink

Correcting your non-working <img> tags since 1982 Wink

Old Post December 24, 2009, 11:59:02 am
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
The editor is taking some time to build. I got some device issues and whatnot so I'm looking at outside sources. anyway I thought I would show how the battle system can be configured using a file. You see this will make it easier to load a new battle into the game near effortlessly if everything else is loaded in like monster stats and force members, etc.

<Battle id="3" Map="066-Overworld-Grans" 
CameraX1="0" CameraX2="22" CameraY1="0" CameraY2="30">
<Devils size="6">
<Devil id="1" X="6" Y="7" Direction="Down" AI="7" />
<Devil id="0" X="5" Y="8" Direction="Down" AI="6" />
<Devil id="40" X="8" Y="26" Direction="Down" AI="6" />
<Devil id="1" X="13" Y="12" Direction="Down" AI="6" />
<Devil id="0" X="9" Y="14" Direction="Down" AI="6" />
<Devil id="0" X="14" Y="16" Direction="Down" AI="6" />
<Force size="12">
<Member slot="0" X="17" Y="20" Direction="Down" />
<Member slot="1" X="18" Y="20" Direction="Down" />
<Member slot="2" X="13" Y="13 Direction="Down" />
<Member slot="3" X="12" Y="13 Direction="Down" />
<NPCS size="0">


Not much to it but you get the general idea.

What you are looking at here is the battle outside Yeel to Howel's place. Note the size of the force. Even though it says 12, you can have any combo up to that number. Also you don't define force members. once you have a party set up, all you do is define where they are on the map and which slot number they are in. Usually Bowie or Max will be in Slot 0 or Slot 1.

Oh and the camera is very important as well. Notice the map is Grans Overworld. The camera is fixated on a specific part of the map so there is no hundreds of maps for individual battles. Nice, I thought so. The AI is interesting. According to the Caravan program, there are 16 distinct AI movements in the game. so basically, it makes the game way more enjoyable with that much brain power running everywhere.

I'm still working the details out but this will most liklely be the template for battle

Old Post January 01, 2010, 07:36:09 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
That looks like a really flexible way of doing things, and will definitely help in the long run. Any idea what the different AI behaviours are?

Old Post January 03, 2010, 10:55:52 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 8

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
The AI behaviors I have not completely figured out but I suspect they are tied to different devils like Fliers, Magic Casters, and Bosses.

I have deduced that the 5 tilesets created 3 x 3 blocks that equal 24 x 24 tileblocks. These blocks are drawn. I was wrong about the 5 layers each with their own tileset. So I'm remaking the tilesets 24x24. Now the tile editor is working better than before. Once a test tileset is completed, I'll start working on the triggers and dialogs.

Old Post January 11, 2010, 05:52:39 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Reworking the SF2 C# project code
I'm guessing some behaviours also change when an enemy will attack. I know from playing SF1 recently that some enemies will wait for you to reach a certain point, before moving to attack. Others will wait for you to hit a trigger, and will then move to another area of the map.

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