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Create our own plot.   (Read 29882 times)
Old Post October 06, 2009, 09:17:30 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Create our own plot.
This is a standard "write a sentence and have it become part of the story" thread.
The idea is to keep it within realms of a shining game, therefore mainly actions and descriptions of what the player might see - and dialogue from other people (remember, the main character doesn't  speak)- during interactions. 
You can add as much or as little as you want.

Opening credits:
A carriage is rolling along a road in the evening. 
The driver stops and calls to the person inside that there are brigands ahead, and to keep safe.  A couple of guards from the carriage party head toward the brigands as the get closer and are defeated.  The brigands surround the carriage - and the driver sacrifices himself to try to help a couple of ladies get away.  He calls out "Run, my Queen!".  As he dies, the Queen and her lady in waiting are caught. 
The carriage is plundered, and the Queen taken for a prisoner.  It turns out the lady in waiting has a baby she is nursing.  A particular bandit, Hugo, is told to murder them both and bury the bodies.  He leads them away.

You start the game.
Fifteen years later in a fishing village on the outskirts of the kingdom.


Old Post October 06, 2009, 10:42:17 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
"Keith, Keith where are you?"
Scene opens to the side of a small house, two boys are by the well, and a lady at the corner of the front of the house.
"Oh there you are, mucking around with that layabout."
The lady moves toward the boys.
"Come on, get up, a messenger came from the town - the baron is sick of fish, he wants chicken for dinner."
The boys look at each other.
A young centaur appears at the corner.
"Hi Keith.  Hi Mamon.  I have to get to town with chicken soon, it's already late."  The centaur says as he moves toward the group.
The mother jumps up and down "Get up already.  I hope Mamon hasn't gotten you to smoke medical herb again."  She goes back to the house.

You go to the area fenced off for the chickens, and generally go around finding out "this chicken isn't fat enough."  until you find the one you need.


Old Post October 08, 2009, 10:29:46 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
The chicken is inside your inventory.
You go inside the house.  While waiting for your mothers attention you peruse the bookshelves.  The books are all to do with chicken farming in the north, the wild wild ice caps, and dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. 
You finally get your mothers attention.
"Good good good - I'll pluck it now."
She moves a bit with the chicken.  Tales(the centaur) comes in.
"You'll need to take this to the baron Keith.  Not that I dont trust you Tales, just that my man always used to take it himself before he went up north, and he asked me to pass on his duties to Keith."
Tales replies "Don't worry Ma'am, I'll go with him, no more messages to deliver today anyway."
Tales has joined your party
"Good good good.  Just you boys mind, there are packs of wild dogs out there which will smell the blood from the chicken."
You head out the door, and there is Mamon sitting on the ground. 
He gets up and says "..."
Mamon has joined your party
As you head out of the property, you hear: "Ruff! RuffruffRuff!"
A dog comes onto the screen.
Take your dog Hugh with you?  You decide yes.
Hugh has joined your party
You leave your house/farm and head into the countryside toward town.


Old Post October 09, 2009, 05:25:14 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Create our own plot.
You enter the countryside with your companions. There's a small stream leading to a pool, and clumps of long grass dot the area. There's a small patch of herbs growing by the side of the stream. You investigate the area.
You have received a Medical Herb

As you follow the path towards town, your dog Hugh starts growling. The team looks around, and suddenly one of the clumps of long grass starts rustling.


A rabbit runs out, past the team and into some more grass.

Tales: "I should have known it was nothing to worry about. Let's hurry, it won't be long until dusk and we still have a way to go"

As you take another few steps, Hugh growls again. This time, three gray dogs appear from the area where the rabbit emerged from, and stand in front of the force. You take three steps back, and then two more dogs appear from behind, one of which is larger and darker than the others.

Tales: "Looks like I was wrong. How are we going to get past without any weapons? We'll be eaten if we keep the chicken, but if we throw it to these dogs the Baron will be furious!"

Keith: "..."

Tales: "Yes, I suppose we could use some large sticks to fight them off. Quickly, gather some up and let's teach these dogs a lesson!"

Old Post October 11, 2009, 06:50:23 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
Hugh is eager to attack and heads toward the stream where the three dogs are.
Tales also heads this way. 
The dogs start closing in on you.
Keith follows toward the group of three dogs, and Mamon who is a bit slow, comes along as a rear guard.

Hugh gets to the closest wild dog and attacks, he draws blood!
Tales gallops up beside him and finishes the injured dog off.
The other two gather around Hugh and attack.  Hugh manages to dodge the first one, but gets hit quite badly by the second.
The pack leader dog and the other dog have nearly closed in on them.
Keith runs to Hugh to try to save him, and damages one of the enemies with his wooden stick.
Mamon, not really being a big fighter comes up to Hugh and uses the Medical Herb on him. 

Hugh feels revived and attacks the dog Keith did with such ferocity it is exhausted.
(no one is getting the chicken he guards for so long without eating himself)
Now there is 1 dog on one side of the group and 2 on the other including the leader dog.
Tales notices the two closing in behind Mamon and wheels around to confront the dog beside the leader.  He misses!
Firstly, the last dog near Hugh hurts him.
Next, the dog Tales just hit, bites back and hurts him critically, Tales is in bad shape.
The leader dog however, ignores Tales for some reason and heads for Keith, maybe because of the chicken?  It's unknown why, but he steps around Tales and savagely attacks Keith.
Keith is hurt, and is feeling a little pressed.  He gets out of the way of the leader dog and comes around beside Tales, attacking the injured dog and knocking it out!
Mamon fearlessly stands in front of the leader dog and having no medical herb left does what he can to HEAL Tales with his own skills.   Tales feels a lot better.

Hugh heads around to the other side of the leader dog and lunges at him, it's a hit.
Tales also attacks the leader dog, and more blood is drawn.

The last wild dog comes up behind Mamon and attacks him, hurting him.
The leader dog howls as he attacks Keith, and nearly kills him,
but Keith hangs on - Keith counterattacks and the leader dog is vanquished!

The last wild dog sees his leader and pack are gone, and runs away.


Old Post October 12, 2009, 06:32:37 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
They have survived, and all are well enough to mend on their own.
Travelling onward they pass a path which heads off into the woods, but you head on toward the seaside.
The coast swells down on the western side of the landmass, the houses generally all around the natural wharf which is probably formed from some ancient geological process.
As you head into the town, people generally know you and ask after your father.  One or two make jokes about chicken farmers.


Old Post October 13, 2009, 08:48:28 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
Down at the wharf are fishermen, and one of them with a wooden leg mentions a witch in the woods who stole his leg back when he was a lumberjack.
There are a couple of better quality houses near the barons abode, and inside there are people who take themselves way too seriously.  Looking at the bookshelves in these places are titles like Machiavellianism, Small Minds and How to pretend to know things about fishing.
You walk toward the barons residence, which is larger and more decadent than anyone elses, but not quite a mansion.  The front door is closed off, and you need to go around the side to get in, through the kitchens.
You talk to the cook:
"Do you have news on Sally?  Oh you brought the chicken, it's about time - he always eats just as it gets dark"
(the chicken is now gone from your inventory, and the game world becomes "dark".)
The cook leaves via another door which is now open for you, but comes straight back in anyway after having delivered the barons food.  She talks to you again.
"Did you happen to see my helper, Sally?  She's been taken by the witch, I bet you!  Getting silly ideas put into her head by those book things."
You go through the door into the rest of the barons house to have a little look around.


Old Post October 19, 2009, 11:22:35 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: Create our own plot.
Compared to the house you grew up in, the Baron's house seems like a palace, but is quite empty when compared to the bustle of the kitchen. The kitchen leads directly to the dining room, and you can see the remains of the dinner from earlier. Judging by the empty plate, you assume the chicken was well received. The room is decorated sparsely, with only a few paintings and a vase of flowers brightening it up. Walking out of the dining room, you enter the hallway.

The first thing you see is a large staircase opposite the main entrance. Two suits of armour stand by the door, and on closer inspection appear to be dented and scratched as if regularly used in battle. Two rooms can be accessed from the hall; a library (featuring such well worn books as "101 ways to cook chicken" and "The lost art of witch hunting") and a study. A few open books lie on the desk of the study, which indicates someone was recently there. They're mostly about witches, warlocks and spells.

Walking up the stairs, there are more doors, but you can only enter the master bedroom. Walking in, you see the Baron, staring out of the window at the moon.

"Where are you?" he mutters under his breath.

Old Post October 20, 2009, 09:42:33 am
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
You decide to say hello, you met him a couple of times before when you were little, he seemed nice enough then and he seems lonely.
"What?  Oh you're Hugo's boy aren't you?  Oops I mean Hugh's boy.  Yes that was a delicious chicken.  Thanks.  With your father up in the north looking for a cure- oh what am I talking about.  You should probably be off home."
You talk to him again.
"Yes it is rather late isn't it.  The guards probably won't let you out.  I'll tell you what, let them know I'm sending you and your friends on a mission to scout out the witches hideout.  She's stolen away the kitchen girl.  Don't worry about it of course, I'll find a way to deal with her myself."


Old Post October 25, 2009, 10:36:56 pm
Administrator Shining Spammer *

Posts: 1,129

Re: Create our own plot.
You are determined to find Sally and prove to the Baron that you're as strong as your father.  On looking around some more you find a rusty sword which should be a bit easier to hold than your stick and give you that intimidation factor.  
You notice the chapel of light still has its doors open, so you go in and talk to the priest.
On leaving the town one of the guards is asleep and the other nightwatchman stops you.  "You can't leave at night for your own protection.  Oh, so you're on a mission from the Baron?  You may pass."
You head out into the night with your friends.


New Post May 26, 2014, 09:07:36 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 3

Re: Create our own plot.
in the middle of the night. the sword glows an eerie presence leaks out
5 screaming banshees attack led by the ghost of kane(masked)
now left without a weapon considering you threw your stick
you look around and find a boxing glove

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