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The Shining Source

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721   Ye Olde "Hate Thy Neighbour"
I have a bigger willy than you Shernal. At least, that's what your mum says.

722   Word Association Thread

723   Warning: Possible Jealousy Inducing Thread
No sarcasm for once Smiley

I've got Project 2003, Visio 2003, Win XP Pro, Server 2003, Some SQL stuff and Visual Studio 2003 Pro. All full versions, and all for free. Part of their academic alliance package.

Funny thing is, university gives you access to all this stuff but can't be bothered to install XP on the network, and not a single machine in university has the .NET framework. What a crock.

724   Warning: Possible Jealousy Inducing Thread
Quote from: "Job"
I think people just like to dislike Microsoft. Personally, i don't have a problem with them.

They gave me free software, so I can't hate them.

725   Tatakai
I've got exams for the next two weeks, so tSS work isn't a priority at the moment. I still need to fix a lot of the admin backend, but once I do I'll create an account for you so you'll be able to add news and manage a worklog. Worklogs and hews have got RSS too, so you can put it on your own site relatively easily Wink

For your news account, you get a 24 * 24 gif displayed. If you want your own, stick it in this topic or an email or something and I'll set it up when I get round to doing your news account =)

726   Bung Ole Never Ending Thread: Turbo Super Version Alpha 6.34
When I finally pull my finger out and add quick reply, I daresay it'll live longer.

727   X-mas treat: BABS 2 alpha
I've put it on my "to-do" list =)

728   X-mas treat: BABS 2 alpha
Looking sweet Smiley

Just so you know, the Worklog feature of the main site should be working now Wink

729   Shining Force is No More!
Maybe the other game they're working on is a translation of Shining Force 3!


730   uh-oh? PHPbb worm
We're on 2.0.11, but the template doesn't show it. I might do a clean re-install to make sure, but I can't really be arsed at the moment.

731   Student Cookthread
I have eaten the majesty that is Wavy Lays, and know that they do exist. They're damn tasty.

732   Shining Force is No More!
The Force is just to entice fans. Just like "GoldenEye: Rogue Agent".

'Tis a shame, because a true Force game on next gen systems would truly have rocked.

733   Religion
Religion, like politics, is one of those things with no winner. It's a completely pointless argument. Usually worse on the internet because people can be a lot ruder.

Have you ever seen an argument between an atheist and religous person that ended with either saying "You know, you're right! My belief system IS complete nonsense. I'll believe what you do!".

Didn't think so.

The only arguments that come close to religion, and sometimes even surpass it, are computers. Linux vs Windows, C++ vs Java, 4 space indent vs tabs etc. I never understood the point in arguing about these things. It's equivelant to arguing over whether a normal screwdriver is better than a cross-head screwdriver.

734   Need some serious help
Dev's right, you need to take it slowly.

Take it out to dinner, buy it flowers. Tell it how much you care. If you're feeling brave, use the "L" word and you'll be in there.

Or you could force it with a knife.

735   Politics
Are politics good? Is communism better than capitalism? Is it right to round up people you don't like and murder them?

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