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The Shining Source

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736   Sex
What are your views on sex? Is it good or bad? Is it right to charge for it?

737   Why don't this compile?
A lot of braces missing, and it looks like a cross between Pascal code and C++ code. Haven't looked over it completely but a lot of things look wrong to me.

738   Why is this place dead?
It's a "can't be arsed" issue.

I'll try and get it done by the end of the week, along with a nice skin so everyone will be happy.

739   Why is this place dead?
Thanks for the support.

If I get time this week I'll work on a new skin that matches the rest of the site.

740   Project Count
OT: I'm pretty sure Maplet is designed for making indoor scenes, hence the turning things inside out. There way be a way of switching it around, but I haven't used it for aaaaages so not sure.

741   Project Count
Seems that everything has gone a bit silent on the project front, so I want to do a quick count to see how many are still being worked on.

In other words, post your project and it's status please Smiley

742   Final Year Students - Release The Anguish!
Me and Edge were just talking about all the joy that comes with being a final year university student. Not only do you get more projects to do, but they're also bigger and more difficult. Joy.

So, release the anguish you feel. Tell the World how much university sucks. Because, let's face it, university sucks the big one.

743   Major Exams begin Nov 1st
Good luck!

744   The Progress Quest Thread
I'd rather run something useful in the background.

Can you help me?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?

746   MY EYES!
Quote from: "Devlyn"
Read my lips!

I bet you say that to all the ladies.

747   MY EYES!
I miss the old days when someone would come along and say "This isn't manly enough".

748   Forum = Dead?
The forum is so dead! I remeber a time when there were so many posts that the flood control had valid use. I remember a 500 post thread completely in l33t. I remember people actually talking. I remember Ye Olde Chat.
Why is our community so dead? This was one of my few sources of entertainment each day!
I will mourn for YoB, but I will also continue to post on her corpse!
Resusitate our forgotten boards!

749   *is going to cry*
Want to know what women want?

Our survey says over 78% of women want their lover to have a bigger p3nis! They need this not only to achieve full sexual satisfaction, but also to be happier, live longer and increase their earning potential!

If your p3nis is less than 13 inches, it's considered small! Thanks to our revolutionary Magic Willy Cream(tm) you can add inches in days! No pumps, no cranks and no pills!

Order your sample today for only $19.95, with a 30 day money back guarantee!

"Magic Willy Cream(tm) works for me!"

Side effects may include loss of penis.

750   Another asteroid, on a collision course!
The End Is Nigh!

We're all doomed!

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51 52 ... 55

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