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1   Re: searching java code
Thanks Ty.

I think I will contact them by PM

2   Re: searching java code

but I'm still waiting fro an answer because i think only work on some code without working with someone other make no sence... ?

3   Re: searching java code
cooler graphics and a good new sound  Grin


4   Re: searching java code
I found that


and will try to work and document it.

If there are newer versions let me know Wink

5   Re: searching java code

I've seen Develyn is working on Babs 3.
Is there a easy job to program with that I can support you.
Do you need a mathematical background to solve a problem. I also like mathematics. Ie. your problem that you solved with the distances


to get the cells inside the range... This is a Norm


Happy to help you


6   Re: searching java code
Hello again,

I know its been a while, but in my second job I'm studying Wink

So can anyone help me by explaining me how the

Walkmap.setBlock(int x, int y, int layer, int value) works.

And I have a few other questions:

1) Can anyone desribe me the layers more exactly.
I want to comment a lot of stuff to make the things getting better and isolate the different parts better. But therefore I need someone to answer my question. And please dont hate me if I ask things that are already in the documentation since Im documenting source code which is pretty hard without any answers Wink

2) Source Code
Was there a newer Version than that I worked on I think its. Babs2.5 ypou find a link to it here:


And the main question: How should we order the sourcecode. Normally the first things are attributes and then the methods. The getter and setter methods can get a seperate place before the more complex methods. I discouvered you writing the attribute and getters and setters for each attribut one after another. I'd like to order the sourcecode first attributes and then methods. Does anyone have better ordering.

3) I try only to comment the code, but I've also seen some (unecessary?) programming lines which I will to "correct" or make more efficient. So who is the guy in China I can talk to if I have some questions or ideas?

Thanks a lot for answering
Programming together makes more fun Wink

7   Re: searching java code
why do we load images in the code and not before instanciating the game ?

if (selected == "BUY") {
buyImage = Lib_Image.getImage("interface\\i_buy1.gif");
sellImage = Lib_Image.getImage("interface\\i_sell2.gif");

If we load the Images before, for example when the Game starts, it is easier and faster.
Because the images aren't reloaded EVERYTIME we call the method.

8   Re: searching java code
I'll fix it with my Constant.java File Wink

9   Re: searching java code
hello again.

I've some holidays, so I'll program.
Can ynaone explain me what the Values of the [menuplace]-Variable mean. I Want to rename the Constants and give the senceful names Wink

10   Re: searching java code
...sometime the code is written with a switch , sometimes with an ifelseif structure... taht's funny Wink

11   Re: searching java code
I copied the folders containing the images and all into the trunk/src folder to be able to start ShinySword out of eclipse.

12   Re: searching java code
I only see the calls of the .getLength() method,
but I think we can replace this code !?

13   Re: searching java code
I commited my last code as Revision 12 in the folder

...hoping for answers Wink

14   Re: searching java code
I have a question:
Why don't you  in the Class Tileset
delegate the tiles.size() method to the getLength() method.
You always increase a local varible length, that I think is not really necessary, because all you have to do is to implement the following code
 * question
 * why is the method tiles.size() not delegated to the getLength() method:
 *  public int getLength() {
 *  if (tiles == null) return -1;
 *  else
 *  return tiles.size();
 *  }
 *  ???
 *  because the getTile(9-method is delegated !

I've writed this comment inside the ClassFile Wink

15   Re: searching java code
Hi Ty,

yes the latest version is I think the 26.07.2010.zip.
But there is a problem you can look at: it doesn't start the game.
I have another question:
Can you reoganize the subversion so that my folder is beside the trunk-folder and not contained in it.
Thank chris

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