S.M.E.E. – Documentation
Installation Guide:
Installing Smee is somewhat more tricky than installing most other programs. This has mostly to do with the fact that it’s JAVA based. I’ve tried to make it as convenient as possible though. Here’s what you’ve got to do to get it all working:
1: Download and install the latest Java Runtime environment.
2: Download and unzip S.M.E.E. to any directory you like.
3: Run Smee.bat.
List of changes:
Version 1.00
– Implemented Lazy Bum’s brand-new interface
– Added a GUI refresh button (which happens to be F5, like with your browsers ;)
– Implemented “Add Tile” option in Tile Dialog.
– Implemented importing tileset from images. “import from image” appends the tiles from the image. “new set from image” replaces the tileset with one from an image.
– Implemented export to image. Pressing the “PNG” button in the main view exports every layer to layerx.png and a full map render to full_map.png. Thank Zylokh for this feature, as he wanted it badly :P.
– Did several minor performance tweaks, increasing the speed by a considerable amount.
– Added a New Map button.
– Added tooltips to make the interface easier to use. Unfortunately the skinability got slightly worse by this (though you can still skin it!), but I’ll fix that up in future versions :).
– Added double-speed scrolling through the map. Hold down shift and press an arrow key to scroll through the map faster :P.
– Finalized the .smf map format. Future versions of SMEE will be able to load maps created with this one.
– I wouldn’t be surprised if I forgot a tweak or two here…
Version 0.00
This is the first version of Smee.
List of Hot Keys:
Key(s) | Function |
Arrow Keys | Scroll map |
Shift + Arrow Keys | Scroll the map faster |
1,2,3 | Switch between layers 1 to 3 |
S | Save Map as… |
L | Load Map… |
F5 | Refresh the screen (handy when you’ve just imported tiles!) |
Additional explanation:
To replace a tileset with a fresh one from an image…
..go to the tile editor and type in the corresponding filename in the white box at the bottom. Then press “new set from image”.
To append tiles from an image to an existing tileset…
..go to the tile editor, type in the corresponding filename in the white box and press “import from image”.
To export your map to an image…
..press the PNG button in the main view. Each layer will be exported to layerx.png and a full map render will be exported to full_map.png in the SMEE directory.
Known Quirks:
– Save and Load is untested with maps from different directories. I’m not sure if that works properly.
– Currently Smee allows for multiple instances of the tile editor and map resizer. Especially the tile editor can act a little unpredictable when opening it multiple times. Nothing totally dramatical though.
– I have no clue on how fast Smee just is. I’d love to have feedback on this from people who don’t have a 2.6 GHz machine ;).
I personally ran into pretty much no problems at all, but if you do, feel free to tell me on the SSC forum!