Category: Shining Valour

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Shining Valour update

I just managed to drag myself away from my Gamecube to post this for you :P

Shining Valour

Project website

Development team:
McPhisto – programming, sprites, graphics, game design
Sam Waldron – Game designer, path layer
Wyndigo – executive art director (gotta love posh job descriptions ;) – Newts)

Development language: Multimedia Fusion

Most recent release

Most recent update or newsworthy happening:
Recently released a battle engine demo. The game has been put on hold for the next couple of weeks due to University essays and exams. When the mid-year break rolls along, I will begin working on the actual game. The plan is to release the game in chapters. Chapter One will feature 10 battles, 7 playable characters, and a lot of other stuff.

Other comments:
Glad to see TSS up and running! Looking forward to updating my own section of the website :P

Newts says: Having played the first battle of Shining Valour, this is a very promising project indeed. The graphics and general feel of the game recreate that “Shining feel” which is so difficult to describe; it’s one of those “you’ll know it when you see it” types of things. That’s not a very useful thing to say, so I highly recommend downloading the demo and seeing for yourself!

Tomorrow I’ll be updating you all on Shining Flash. See you then!

Fresh SV release

Coz Im lazy, here’s the message McPhisto posted at Ye Olde Blah ;)

Here’s a little battle demo for people to try out:

Now, it’s extremely buggy, unpolished, and incomplete. I just thought I should prove I’m still chipping away at this thing . If you could report on bugs, that’d be great. Just post em in this thread. Please don’t mention the graphics or sound – practically none of the gfx are going to make it into the final version, and I have other things to worry about at this stage.

I’ll add this demo to the TSS downloads later on and set up a local mirror for you guys :)
