SF:TA update
Thanks to Produn for this update on SF:TA!
“Yes, after a long time we’ve managed it to do a update. Dev I myself Produn still are busy with our exams, so the development stopped a bit. But we got a new addition to the force – AJ Letson, who hopefully brings new energy to the team.
Remember were still searching for lots of helpers, like programmers,CG artists and music makers.
Now to the update –
The chara section is now almost done, just some bios have to be added, but the portraits for all charas are done. And even if we have all chara portraits done, the secret charas wont be revealed until games finished ;) Also we now have a complete monster list, and this list is very long
What we are working next on strongly depends on what help will maybe arrive. It would be cool if 1-2 programmers find the way here, cause a new demo isnt to far away. Or some CG artist for beginning with the weapon and chara sprites.”