Walk Cycle video using Camtasia

Today i’m posting a short video of the centaur character walking around. The background is just something used to test collision detection. He’s walking based on input from the keyboard – the up, down, left, and right arrow keys.

The walking animation is pretty smooth during gameplay, but this video of it is pretty choppy. I can’t seem to get a good recording of the screen using Camtasia. I’ve tried setting the frame-rate high, and playing with some other options, but I always end up with a video with many dropped frames. If anyone has had better results with a screen capture software please let me know what I’m doing wrong!

Anyway, I’m happy with the results of how it actually looks when the game is running. The screen isn’t scrolling yet, that’s up next on the things to do. Followed by collision detection between the user-controlled character and buildings. Then I’ll be working on creating the first town :D

Link to the Video (3.8MB AVI)

6 responses so far

Downloaded it and all I get is a green screen for 5 seconds. I’m using VLC to play it which plays any avi I’ve ever had.

Well it was created using the default camtasia codec, which is probably the problem. I’ll ty recording it again with a more common codec and re-posting it.

:( Solmyr Jan 17, 2007 at 3:19 pm

I’ve created two new videos of the centaur walking around. The first one is an avi file but, it’s smaller than the previous one because I used the DivX codec. Unfortunatly I’m still not able to get this video to play using the VLC player. It just shows the first frame, so it looks like the centaur is just standing. Lame!

Link to new AVI video (1.18 MB)

This second video is a quick time movie using the Sorenson codec. The frame rate is a little bit smoother than the avi file but, the colours are pretty washed out. Both of these videos show too new features though, a scrolling background and collision detection.

Link to Quicktime movie (446k)

:( Solmyr Jan 18, 2007 at 1:40 am

Hey thanks for that, it looks pretty cool.
I especially like the way the roof comes off as you near the house.

That’s very cool looking. Every Shining game needs a centaur, but they’ve been lacking in most Shining fangames. Probably because they’re so hard to draw, but this one looks and moves really nicely :)

Ty's sprite Ty Jan 18, 2007 at 2:32 pm


As a fresh http://www.shiningsource.net user i just wanted to say hi to everyone else who uses this site ;-)

:( dobinnowild Dec 19, 2008 at 4:10 pm

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