New Project: Gathering Light

Gathering Light
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ChrisW posted in Ye Olde Blah to show off screens from his new project, "Gathering Light". It’s Flash based, and although it’s still early in development it’s looking very promising.

From the forum topic:

All information is stored server side, but the game still remains single player. You can search for players in the arena, which are pulled up randomly, from there you can check out their status page and all of their members and then battle them. Your rank will either increase or decrease depending on your wins and losses, party level sum, total gold, etc, etc.

Even though battles are all single player, you can still trade, join guilds, and enter tournaments. There is also a story mode which you can play when you don’t feel like PvPing. Story mode allows players to gain special characters, items and unlock new PvP maps.

You can find more information on the Gathering Light Website, including a forum for feedback and a blog with plenty of screenshots and development news. Stop by and take a look :)

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