Date Archive: 2007 January

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Grid based movement

I’ve spent the last couple days working on grid-based movement. My character was animated and walking around before, but he wasn’t confined to a grid. If you think of it like chess or checkers, you can only move a piece from one square to another – not half on one and half one another. Which is what my character was originally doing. It looked fine, but I’m sure it would become a problem when I get into developing the battle system.

So now my character moves from square to square, and the animation looks just as smooth. I’ve also started working on the first town of the game and creating the main ‘hero’ character. Actually my idea for the game was to allow a choice at the start of the game, to choose between one of two characters to start as. With a different storyline for each choice. For now though, I’m just concering myself with creating a demo, and for that one main character will do.

Walk Cycle video using Camtasia

Today i’m posting a short video of the centaur character walking around. The background is just something used to test collision detection. He’s walking based on input from the keyboard – the up, down, left, and right arrow keys.

The walking animation is pretty smooth during gameplay, but this video of it is pretty choppy. I can’t seem to get a good recording of the screen using Camtasia. I’ve tried setting the frame-rate high, and playing with some other options, but I always end up with a video with many dropped frames. If anyone has had better results with a screen capture software please let me know what I’m doing wrong!

Anyway, I’m happy with the results of how it actually looks when the game is running. The screen isn’t scrolling yet, that’s up next on the things to do. Followed by collision detection between the user-controlled character and buildings. Then I’ll be working on creating the first town :D

Link to the Video (3.8MB AVI)

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