Category: Project News

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Adventurers Unbound – Complete Demo Available!

Choaswizard98’s amazing Shining-style project, “The Legend of Syro”, has a new name AND a new demo.

It’s been a long time coming, but the engine upgrade is finally complete!

This demo is the revised start of chapter 1 and, while a little on the short side, it should contain an example of just about everything a Shining Force fan is looking for. Especially when you access more than you’re supposed to with the cheats menu.

Oh yeah and I finally get to share the official title with you guys. The Legend of Syro has always been a placeholder.

Anywho, the next step of the journey is to port the project to the latest version of GameMaker, and get the engine in your hands! Until then, if you’ve got any questions, comments, or suggestions, let me know!

Be sure to download the demo and give it a try!

And yes, I know this news is a little late :)

The Engine of Chaos is getting some updates

It’s been a while since The Engine of Chaos was released, but Chaoswizard98 has been hard at work on improving it in just about every conceivable way.

Here’s a few of the changes that will be in the next version:

Windows are drawn relative to screen position now to make changing internal resolution easier. tile_size is now a variable, so you’re not limited to 24×24. Setting a character to start at level 20 will automatically figure out their level 20 stats based off of level scheme.

Support for shaders, AI / Story flags, swapping control from Max to Bowie, having more than 1 party (SFCD party split), limited quantity shops, dynamic menus (once an event is made (such as ‘promote’) you can plug that option into whatever menu you want), More decisions other than Yes/No (Truth / Lie, ‘maybe’, ‘warrior / mage / healer’, whatever you want really).

Source: Shining Force Central

There’s no release date yet, but hopefully we won’t have to wait too long.

War of Velana – Demo released

War of Velana is a project we first talked about back in October. Since then there have been some exciting updates, including a demo release!

There are new NPC’s, new maps, and new Chapters in development. Here’s a peek at some of the updated sprite artwork:

Speaking of those animations, with the new character art, there are a lot of sprite design changes that are taking place to have the characters look a lot closer to their official designs. Here are some before and after comparisons of the main cast.

The maps are also looking great:

If you want to keep up with development, updates are posted on the War of Velana Devblog.

But enough talk, go grab the demo and leave some feedback!

War of Velana – Demo 1

Source: War of Velana Devblog – May 2020

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